Friday, October 26, 2018

A successful business?

 Have you ever wanted to start a successful business but you did not know how? You are not alone! Everyone wants to be successful and everyone wants a comfortable life with no financial worries.

 In this blog post I will discuss an example of a new and a successful business in Qatar. I will talk about why I chose this business and why I think it will continue to be a successful business in the future. I will also talk about how it can influence you to be a successful business owner.

From Temba sports twitter:
 The business that I will talk about is Temba Sports. Temba Sports is a sports event planner company. It was established in 2014 and it specializes at making creative sports events for different institutions, like schools. The aim of this organization is to change or develop the notion of sports in the country by improving Qatars sports facilities. And to contribute to the human development sector, which is a part of Qatars 2030 vision. To achieve these aims Temba Sports uses the newest technology to improve the sports facilities, and to organize unique sports events.
The company also provides different sports lessons, like basketball, soccer and swimming for people of all ages. Moreover, it organizes other activities like camping and gatherings to give a chance for everyone to participate in the event.  

 The reason I chose to talk about this business is because I believe that the idea is new in Qatar. Temba Sports is willing to spread a positive vibe to the word workout to all the people living in this country because the company is well aware of the importance of working out in our lives. And to do so it is willing to organize special sports events for any person or institution. In addition, the company takes in consideration Qatars 2030 vision. It wants to contribute to it and to make Qatar a little bit closer to the vision, which I find heartwarming because the owner of the company Mohammed Al-Mousawi showed his nationalism and love for his country by doing something that helps make his country’s name known to the world.

Temba Sports success:

 Even though Temba Sports started only in recent years, I believe that the company will continue its success. I believe so because the company takes Qatar’s 2030 vision into consideration and uses it as an inspiration every time it takes a step forward. In addition, world cup is coming to Qatar on 2022, and this is another reason that makes me think that this organization will continue its success. The world cup is a huge sports event that attracts the attention of everyone around the world, and Temba Sports focus is on sports. That is why 2022 world cup drives the company sports to keep working hard and spread the importance of sports around Qatar. And to show a good public image of sports in Qatar.
Furthermore, the company has a good marketing strategy that will guarantee its continuous success. It is the social media. Temba Sports has a Facebook page and a twitter account that uses to promote its business. Social media is taking over world these days, almost everyone has an account in different social media programs. It uses social media to appeal to people of all ages and to show them why they should pay attention to Temba Sports. And that is why I think Temba Sports is doing well in its promotion.

 Temba Sports company is an example of one creative idea that helped the owner to be a successful entrepreneur. And this the first step to having a successful business, having a creative idea that attracts the attention of the crowed. 

And lastly, if you are interested to know more about Temba Sports company, click this link to go to its website.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

EQ and soft skills

Have you ever had an experience where you were in a trouble and someone, let's say a friend, listened to you and talked to you sympathetically? And you thought "wow, she really gets me!" You are not alone! That person that you met has a high EQ and definitely good people skills.

In this blog post I will step away from linguistics and jobs and talk about a thing that has been of my interest in the last few years, and I have been reading about. It is helpful for you in your personal and business lives. It is the EQ or the emotional quotient. Then I will relate it to soft skills.
  Emotional quotient can help you to be a better communicator, that is why I decided to write about them in this thread.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

The emotional quotient shows your ability to understand your emotions and how you deal with them, and the ability to understand others emotions. In other words, just like how the IQ (intelligence quotient) indicates your intelligence level, the EQ indicates your ability to understand emotions.

There are five categories to the emotional intelligence, and they are: 

1) Self -awareness: the ability to recognize your own emotions.
2) Self-regulation: the ability to control and work with your emotions effectively.
3)Motivation: the ability to motivate yourself to work on your goals.
4)Empathy: the ability to recognize and understand the feelings of the people.

Why is EQ important?

Now you might be asking why EQ is important. And how does it help the personal and business life of people? Well, firs of all, the emotional quotient is helpful because it helps get in touch with your feelings and be honest with them. This is important because if you are able to identify your feelings then you know when to take control over them. Let me give you an example, you are at a discussion with someone, and she said to you that what you said is "wrong." Normally people would evoked and will try to defend themselves and their opinion even if they have to yell. But if your emotional intelligence level is high, then in this situation you will recognize that you got evoked and you will know why. Thus, you will be able to know how to control this feeling and reply back to the person you are talking to effectively. You might say something like "I might have not made my opinion clear, let me clarify it...." This response will not provoke the other person and make him or her angry but will let him or her know your opinion without any trouble. 
This is just one example of how the emotional quotient can help you be a better communicator. And this situation happens to everyone in their personal and business lives.

How is EQ related to soft skills?

Before I begin to talk about the relation between EQ and soft skills, let me tell explain soft skills briefly to you. To put it simply soft skills are positive traits that make up a good employee. For example, having a positive attitude and being a good listener are examples of soft skills. The importance of these skills is, they help you know how to engage in a conversation with someone. And

You might have noticed that my explanation of soft skills is quite similar to what I said about the emotional quotient. That is because there is a similarity between them. Both of soft skills and the emotional intelligence help you engage in conversations effectively. However, they are not the same! emotional intelligence makes you know how you to engage with your feelings and understand them. But soft skills are personal traits that help you be a better communicator. The relation between the two is that if you have a higher emotional intelligence level then you are likely to have a well developed soft skills, because both are in a way dependent on each other. For example, one of the soft skills that we need to have is good listening. And normally people with high levels of EQ are considered good listeners, because they care. To clarify, EQ makes people more empathetic towards others, and because of that they tend to be a good listeners. And as a result, they developed a soft skill.
The bottom line is, having a high emotional quotient level will help you develop soft skills. 

The emotional intelligence is very important to help us become better humans and better communicators. It teaches us a lot about our feelings and the feelings of others, which help us take control over our emotions and dealing with people and troubles. 

Before I close this post I would like to suggest going to the two links bellow for more information about EQ. 

"What is emotional intelligence" gives you more information about the 5 categories of EQ that I mentioned above. And "Emotional intelligence and soft skills" tells you more about EQ and its relation to soft skills.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Governmental institution and jobs

Hello again  to my blog!

As you know this blog is dedicated to linguistics and how it works in Qatar. But this blog also look at the life that every student faces after graduation. And in this post I will talk about the governmental organizations in Qatar and how do they help the recent graduates to get jobs, also what students should do after graduation.

  In Qatar and like any other country there are governmental institutions that always help members in the society to have an effective role for the development of it. And students are no exception, especially high school and university students. Governmental institutions offer workshops and volunteering experiences for high school students as well as university students and graduates. For example, Hamad Medical Corporation always give countless internships and workshops for recent medicine students graduates, and these internships and workshops are not only for students who graduated from Qatari universities, but any medicine university graduate. Moreover, all of these courses are designed to give a full experience to graduates, which what they need while applying for a job. Other examples of organizations that offer internships, workshops and volunteering programs are the Museum of Islamic Arts and the Ministry of Municipality and Environment.

 Therefore, the governmental organizations in Qatar do facilitate the process for recent graduates to get jobs by giving them chances to gain experiences in different fields.

  However, even though governmental institutions facilitate for graduates the process to get jobs, graduates still face problems that sometimes the institutions fail to help. Companies and other organizations in Qatar ,when they look for a candidate to fill the job position, they look at work experience the most. And some graduates do not have enough work experience whether it is related to the job they are applying to or not, because the concept of 'part-time jobs' is not widely spread across the country. It is true that there are volunteering programs offered for students but sometimes the student does not get the whole experience he or she desires. That is why I think that governmental institutions could offer part-time jobs across the country to give the work experience that every student and graduate desires. To add to the point, part-time jobs do not only give work experience to graduates but also teach them other lessons, like appreciating the money and being independent.

 But, even if not getting the full work experience chance is always available, university graduates still could do things to help them with their life after university. And I have some tips or steps that could help me as a student graduating from university soon, and could help other graduates too:

 1) Get ready for you master's degree

     Since we live in a country that always seeks for the best people to work in its organizations, there is no surprise that there is a bigger demand for candidates with masters degrees. That is why I suggest you to continue studying for your master's degree after you finish your undergraduate studies because you will have a bigger chance to get a job.

2) Work on your work experience

  This is something that you should work on when you are at university. Universities at Qatar offer part-time jobs for their students and you can get one that you think that it is useful for you. Also, I mentioned above that Qatar's governmental organizations offer workshops, internships and volunteering programs that you can apply for to get some experience about the work life ahead of you.

3) Work on your communication skills

  Communication skills are important for the career life that is ahead of you, that is why you need to work on them. I know that university life helped you develop them but you need to be a good communicator in speaking and writing, which is good. However, for the work life you need to raise the bar a bit, and I suggest doing some workshops to enhance them.

If you want to know more about the steps a graduate needs to take check this link.

Also I suggest this website that could help graduates look for jobs in Qatar.


And to end this post I would like to say work hard and towards your goals and you will definitely achieve them! 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."

                                                                                                                                                                             -Henry David Thoreau 

My journey...

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! 

In this thread I will be talking about the beginning of my journey...  


My journey started by me stepping a foot into Qatar University, the university that helped me live my passion and filled me with knowledge. When I first got into the university I did not know what was it like to be in such a place. And even though I am a 'student' I did not know how to be a university student. However, Qatar University taught me how to be more than a student, it taught me how to be a person with thirst for knowledge. And it also taught me how to not just accept the minimum but work for what I cannot imagine I can achieve.  

I have been in this university for three and a half years now and I must say that my years here have been the best years of my life. First I was able to join the Department of English Language and Literature where I was given the chance to reach my passion and study what I love. This University as well as the English department has gave a lot of opportunities to improve myself as a linguist and as a person. I was able to improve as linguist through the knowledge that I gained from my professors, and through the opportunities that my department provided for me, like going to different workshops and learning to design a linguistic experiment. 

 In addition to learning to improve myself as a linguist, I learned to improve myself as a person. I was introduced to my real friends at the university and specifically at my department. The friends who I met accepted me as who I am and never judged me based on my personality or interests. I am able to be myself around them, to talk without restrictions, and to be honest about my feelings. And because of them I learned to love myself more and to be confident in my abilities, and move forward to achieve my dreams. Not to mention that my friends helped me with my studies, since we all are linguists and we take the same courses we help each other in our assignments. But my friends help me by emotional support and positive energy, which is the biggest help that I always get to continue working hard.


   That is why, because of the new friends whom I found in Qatar University, I found a new goal. I want to always be good to people and never be afraid to show honest self.

 However, even though my life at university may seem smooth, it actually has some bumps and challenges. My very first challenge was when I first got into the institution, I did not understand how the system of the university works and how I should adjust to the new changes. But, the university helped by providing a mandatory course for first year students called Seminar, where it taught us about the university and its rules. In addition, the university provided workshops that help the students gain some necessary skills in the workplace, like designing and experiment, and how to deliver a good presentation.

My second challenge was the English department. At first I thought that I will be studying both literature and linguistics, but when I learned that I should choose a concentration I was excited because I wanted to dig into linguistics in the first place!   My other challenge was about linguistics itself. I had background knowledge about the discipline but it was still new to me when I got my introductory courses. As a result, I struggled to understand the new information. But my professors and my new friends helped a lot to understand the material and that made me have a clearer vision of what linguistics is. 

 And with that being said, I began my journey from Qatar University, and I know that it is not the easiest one. But I am relieved because my university and my department have always been helping me to overcome any challenge I face.