Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."

                                                                                                                                                                             -Henry David Thoreau 

My journey...

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! 

In this thread I will be talking about the beginning of my journey...  


My journey started by me stepping a foot into Qatar University, the university that helped me live my passion and filled me with knowledge. When I first got into the university I did not know what was it like to be in such a place. And even though I am a 'student' I did not know how to be a university student. However, Qatar University taught me how to be more than a student, it taught me how to be a person with thirst for knowledge. And it also taught me how to not just accept the minimum but work for what I cannot imagine I can achieve.  

I have been in this university for three and a half years now and I must say that my years here have been the best years of my life. First I was able to join the Department of English Language and Literature where I was given the chance to reach my passion and study what I love. This University as well as the English department has gave a lot of opportunities to improve myself as a linguist and as a person. I was able to improve as linguist through the knowledge that I gained from my professors, and through the opportunities that my department provided for me, like going to different workshops and learning to design a linguistic experiment. 

 In addition to learning to improve myself as a linguist, I learned to improve myself as a person. I was introduced to my real friends at the university and specifically at my department. The friends who I met accepted me as who I am and never judged me based on my personality or interests. I am able to be myself around them, to talk without restrictions, and to be honest about my feelings. And because of them I learned to love myself more and to be confident in my abilities, and move forward to achieve my dreams. Not to mention that my friends helped me with my studies, since we all are linguists and we take the same courses we help each other in our assignments. But my friends help me by emotional support and positive energy, which is the biggest help that I always get to continue working hard.


   That is why, because of the new friends whom I found in Qatar University, I found a new goal. I want to always be good to people and never be afraid to show honest self.

 However, even though my life at university may seem smooth, it actually has some bumps and challenges. My very first challenge was when I first got into the institution, I did not understand how the system of the university works and how I should adjust to the new changes. But, the university helped by providing a mandatory course for first year students called Seminar, where it taught us about the university and its rules. In addition, the university provided workshops that help the students gain some necessary skills in the workplace, like designing and experiment, and how to deliver a good presentation.

My second challenge was the English department. At first I thought that I will be studying both literature and linguistics, but when I learned that I should choose a concentration I was excited because I wanted to dig into linguistics in the first place!   My other challenge was about linguistics itself. I had background knowledge about the discipline but it was still new to me when I got my introductory courses. As a result, I struggled to understand the new information. But my professors and my new friends helped a lot to understand the material and that made me have a clearer vision of what linguistics is. 

 And with that being said, I began my journey from Qatar University, and I know that it is not the easiest one. But I am relieved because my university and my department have always been helping me to overcome any challenge I face.  

1 comment:

  1. Aya you have a great kind of writing that keeps me reading mashallah .Anyway I just wanted to comment about how the department helped us as a linguists :our department do not offer mush workshops as it should be ,and its very annoying since it should be the main place who helping us getting experience ,but I cannot blame them as well because our major is not widely known in the country that is why I hope to beat this challenge as you did in your first years.
