Wednesday, November 28, 2018


 Creating this blog was actually an assignment, but I cannot deny that I liked writing in it almost every week. I especially liked talking about my passion, linguistics, and designing the blog to fit the theme of linguistics.
 The course that I took, that required me to make a blog, taught me a lot of things. First of all, I learned to write a blog. I have never written a blog before, I read some blogs but never thought that I would want to start mine simply because I was not interested and I was afraid of sounding boring. However, this blog taught me not to be shy about voicing my opinion and writing about topics that I am interested in. My first blog post was about introducing myself and my dream job, which is related to my major. I admit that the first blog post was the hardest because I kept thinking “what if I sound boring,” but as the semester went on I found myself writing without such thoughts. I believe that the blog assignment was the reason to go beyond this fear.
 The second thing that the course had taught me and got me interested in is soft skills. Before taking this course I didn’t know soft skills and I didn’t know their importance in my career life. But, turns out I already am working on developing some of them without knowing. My interest in the emotional intelligence has helped me develop some of the soft skills and made me more interested in searching more about them. In addition, I developed my written and spoken communication skills in the course by writing business letters, memos, etc. and by doing presentations in front of class.

What is my next step?

  Next semester will be my final semester at the university. I would say that I made a good decision by choosing my major and minor because I enjoyed taking classes and doing assignments related to my interests. My next step after this term is over is to keep gaining knowledge through reading more and experiencing more. Also I will continue learning my languages that I love, English, Arabic, Korean, and French. I will continue developing my soft skills and small talk skills because I know that I will need them.  
  Next semester also is my capstone semester, where I will use my developed written and spoken communication skills. I know that I write even more than now and that I will present in front of more people, which is nerve-wrecking, but I am glad that I developed my communication skills this semester, thus I believe that I will be fine.
 After university I would definitely have developed lots of skills, like communication skills, and lots of knowledge related to my major and minor. I will take all this and use them in my master’s years, where I will gain more knowledge, do more research papers, and talk more in front of people I do not know. 
“The end of one chapter is just the beginning of another. Read on…the best is yet to come.”
                                                                                                              -Susan Gale 

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